both forms are asking you but you use usted usa because you are asking someone formally. Sadly, apps like Duolingo serve to normalize and reinforce this behavior. wrong?May 6, 2020AbdelilahC802732Why we cant say ( Senor Usas telefono? Popular Spanish categories to find more words and phrases: English to Spanish A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. I did t to begin with, but the answer was actually usted. June 27, 2019Devashree50714Thanks for making it clear! In English, wed be more likely to use the present progressive tense, the you are using or t ests usando one. If you need motivation to do so (which we ALL need, being humans), look up to your friends and ofcourse, your own streak too. [emailprotected] August 5, 2020LukaHowell564Weekend Warrior means that you did your lessons on the weekend and the Crowns mean that you got more crowns and things like that. Got this wrong again..August 27, 2020Sultana777Seor usted esta usando el telefono?September 10, 2020Fy5PH2AJWhy is Seor, usa usted el telfono? also accepted for Seor, usted usa el telfono? September 24, 2020archie3rdIt assumes advanced Spanish users. A detailed breakdown of the Spanish language learning program from Duolingo Duolingo is one of the most popular apps in the world for learning Spanish, and for good reason. When did it become a mistake? With a totally free base version and a cool course design that gamifies learning Spanish, people rave about this product. Use the Duolingo dictionary. June 27, 2019Devashree50714Thanks for making it clear! Our mission is to make education free and accessible to all. When you see seor or seora it indicates a more formal interaction, so you know youll want to use usted with your verbsSeptember 11, 2019londoncornelius_HELP i get so mixed up with use. This is where i always quit! Keep getting this wrong and not knowing why is frustratingApril 30, 2020RaifhausI cant figure out the difference between usa and usar.May 5, 2020arosmearPlus551Can one leave out usted and just say usas el telefono?June 13, 2020David9895631337Is ud. a correct word for you? Many thanks!January 28, 2022Yakato_da_bestYou are so right, that always thows me off too! Seor, Usa usted el telfono?September 10, 2019YolandaHed200Seor , ests usando el telephonoSeptember 25, 2019JoeCast030A better translation would be Seor esta usted utilizando el telfono? You use January 8, 2020Martin867839I think my question may answer yours actually.September 11, 2019Queen_ReePor que no: Senor usted eres usar el telephono?July 25, 2019ChloeCoate11238eres es el verbo ser en la forma tu (hay dos problemas alla!). October 19, 2019johnvinken1Plus224I should have used est usando. Which is more proper / common?February 12, 2021KirstenDeS13373Why do you use usa and not uso?February 22, 2021JakeTheSnakeManUsa = usted/l/ella. Que is el differente?August 25, 2020ItsLima606Ugh. I listen to Pimsluer Learn Spanish which I downloaded through Audacity. the sentence is saying are you as in tu so i used usas but then it said its usa? All right, class, we are going to use a program called duolingo which is a platform to learn different languages. )May 19, 2020DanKrabtr33741Im having trouble with usted what is its meaning and proper usage?June 11, 2020Kartik725Why we dont use usas instead of usa in this sentence. is it wrong?April 13, 2020MeltheFirst58Yes, sir it is wrong because by addressing him as Seor, you mus conjugate the verb usar formally. Duolingo supports Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portugese. Kinda hard to learn the language when you teach it incorrectlyMay 18, 2019Syd295157I am really confused and am either stupid in my interpretation of the hints provided (not my first post) but please clear this problem up for me and I presume many others. Est usando is the verb phrase, here. Duolingo has a ton of fun features to offer! Devashree50714Thanks for making it clear! This is not the first time you made a wrong correccin.March 25, 2020johnvinken1Plus224That is what I wrote. September 25, 2020AnthonyHan624446Plus364Meaning of usted?October 1, 2020Big_Boi4Why would it be usa and not uso?October 21, 2020MeltheFirst58Hi correct conjugation is why Levntate rpido! January 8, 2020Martin867839I think my question may answer yours actually.September 11, 2019Queen_ReePor que no: Senor usted eres usar el telephono?July 25, 2019ChloeCoate11238eres es el verbo ser en la forma tu (hay dos problemas alla!). Please refresh the page. Google LLC. So my speech is 1 year ago. While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, it's a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like you're not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. The phone does not need to be plugged into the outlet for the entire night. Every iPhone has a set of accents and alternate characters built-in. T= familiarMarch 23, 2019sandeldCastellano doesnt use the usted form.January 17, 2019Preston660291Plus2I am starting to really dislike the word use! Flipkart Sirf Ek Minute Quiz 26 November 2021. I cant now, as i am moving to Spain! German. What's interesting is that Duolingo does make you use the , , and in German, which are as important as accents. These videos are often funny, and go viral if shared multiple times. And in case you've decided from this that it's not a good fit, I encourage you to come back next week, since I'll be providing another in-deth review of Mango Languages for homeschool language learning. If you take either word on its own, it doesnt convey the whole meaning of the action, so it acts as a unit. Joseph Cumia loses his cumcatcher. Kinda hard to learn the language when you teach it incorrectlyMay 18, 2019Syd295157I am really confused and am either stupid in my interpretation of the hints provided (not my first post) but please clear this problem up for me and I presume many others. How? Just tried to use el as first word and now its back to telling me to use el belore telefono, which is correct. 2. r/duolingo. Seor, usted usa el telfono?May 15, 2021GCity2008Ill come for you duoApril 15, 2020GCity2008AND also because the persistence of the word is wrong in this. Switching subject and verb order to ask a question is correct isnt it?March 13, 2021fernandorochah759Aqu hay algo mal o muy confusoMarch 22, 2021GadaphiArc1PlusSomeone please let me know ehy this is wrong senor usando el telefonoMay 11, 2021GadaphiArc1PlusSomeone please let me know Why this is wrong senor usando el telefonoMay 11, 2021fenneeukPlus10Please may somebody explain why the Spanish for this sentence is Usted usa el telfono? While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, its a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like youre not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. 20 minutes ago; Nigniggerson; Comedian, Radio and Everyone Else Criticism. Can anybody explain why?May 21, 2019Big_Boi4Duo must have recognized it as a typo. You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using a Duolingo account registered to you. Many thanks!January 28, 2022Yakato_da_bestYou are so right, that always thows me off too! Log in for access to Gmail and Google Drive. ! Never it is used with T.March 23, 2019AhimsaSchoolAhhhhhh!!! With usar (to use) breaks down like this. This is where i always quit! characteristics of delinquent boy sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo. June 16, 2020RainbowRose710403Why usa? [emailprotected] August 5, 2020LukaHowell564Weekend Warrior means that you did your lessons on the weekend and the Crowns mean that you got more crowns and things like that. It is important to use the right modifiers (articles, adjectives, etc.) / celu? Because of this difference in connotation and usage, its become quite common and acceptable to translate the Spanish simple present into the English present progressive, and vice versa. All I need now is my smartphone, this DuoLingo app, and time on the . What are Gems/Lingots? Is Babbel better than duolingo? , Daziegrl41139Ok.. but could you say all that in English? Is it right to say senor, usas el telefono?December 31, 2020Guilherme411325Sir, are you using the telephone? It's also brilliant for keeping us motivated. May 3, 2020GadaphiArc1PlusOne of the best explanations ever given on Duolingo mateMay 11, 2021KeppelZhuIt helps a lot. Usa = l/ella/usted usa Usas = (informal) you use; the kind of conjugation that happens with friends, younger family, etc. I have used Duolingo for French, Spanish, Italian and Greek too. One time it show that USE YO, and the other time it says USE USTED Ive got t down but usted confuses meJuly 27, 2019[deactivated user]I always have the doubt of where to place usted in a statement: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. May 15, 2021pixiesgalThere seems to be an error in this lesson item. Thanks so much! June 6, 2021Maria772946260Senior sometimes is at the beginning an sometimes at the end of the sentense. Duolingo Cons. You can import it and add to it yourself. Have a lingot!December 16, 2018LorentzBloThis is an excellent explanation. It is not feminine January 8, 2021aDogNamedZeusThis is so hard I never know when and where to use usted in a sentence ;-; Required fields are marked *. This will take you A LONG TIME to work through. In English, wed be more likely to use the present progressive tense, the you are using or t ests usando one. I mean if you say it as a question doesnt it mean the same thing?June 27, 2019ChloeCoate11238tu always goes with usas tu usas and since youre asking formally (senor/sir) you have say usa usted usa. Thanks so much! Why is that?January 2, 2022maniomiszczPlus66Why usa and not usar? Yes, sir! The "t" isn't entirely necessary, but it gives proper emphasis on the "you". Learning a new language Duolingo launched in 2012 teaching just three languages. All information that you provide in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with the . They say it's Latin American, but it's kind of a mix, apparently they randomly added some vosotros further down the tree (which is only used in Spain) but didn't teach it well. He/ she/ it useS Bonus skills are extra skills that can be purchased in the Lingot store. This helps make our service even better. The place where you can discuss anything about language learning, Forum>Topic: Spanish>Sir, are you using the telep, Sir, are you using the telephone?Translation:Seor, usted usa el telfono?June 10, 2018, 170 CommentsBeccaEdnieThis kind of sentence always throws me off. It defys grammar of spanish.April 15, 2020tessbuhckHow about: Seor estas usando el telfono? December 25, 2019Joanne500195Read the comments if usted (you) is used, why wasnt the verb usas correct?February 20, 2020HW7CS465Are you penalising for not using a accents now?March 5, 2020johnvinken1Plus224I wrote this exactly as requested and you corrected me. El/ ella/ usted usa November 14, 2020Ashlin776514Whats wrong with tu usas el telefono ?December 15, 2020LaurenMatt239577why a feminine word usa when the sentence is mostly masculine?December 19, 2020EndalynInstead of senor, usted usa el telefono? Callooh Callay Shoreditch, why is it wrong Seor, usted usa el telefono?January 6, 2021poshykayEs ayuda mucho graciasJanuary 24, 2021sk.skConfusing very confusing February 5, 2021sophieL835In Spanish, its pretty common to use what wed call the simple present, or just the present tense, moreso than it is in English. The sentence refers to a seor, which is usted. I did t to begin with, but the answer was actually usted. Can I use my phone or other mobile device during the test? See clip below Yes, in most of Costa Rica and some parts of Colombia, the only pronouns for 'you' are usted and ustedes. August 8, 2020b.paul.d6Where do I use usted and where tu. (Maybe even moreso, which is why they force you to use it. For example, usted usa el telfono is correct. For example, you would use this phrase with your teacher, boss, or a stranger. is it wrong?April 13, 2020MeltheFirst58Yes, sir it is wrong because by addressing him as Seor, you mus conjugate the verb usar formally. January 29, 2022gillian.da135Sir are you using the telephone ? Because of this difference in connotation and usage, its become quite common and acceptable to translate the Spanish simple present into the English present progressive, and vice versa. Hello World,<br>I am Thrifty Kapila - Frontend Developer - React.js, Redux.js<br>However, I am primarily into UI or Software Development using Javascript libraries like - React and Redux along with HTML, CSS, and libraries like Bootstrap, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB.<br>I am equally interested in UI/UX designing and have created web components using Figma tool.<br><br>I am always up for . Its either: what was bilbo's big discovery about smaug sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo Duolingo teaches you Mexican Spanish. In Spanish, Duolingo uses the phrase "Cmo se llama usted?" to ask "What is your name?". I mean he/she/it uses = (l/ella) usa August 24, 2018 EllaMcC Thanks. If you take either word on its own, it doesnt convey the whole meaning of the action, so it acts as a unit. Who Owns Smithfield Bacon, est usando you are usingJune 10, 2018AlejandroQ708823Your two examples are certainly correct, but I dont believe est usted usando is technically wrong, lets call it taking poetic licence with your word order. you can say a sharp increase but not a sharp majority. 20.2M learners. While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, its a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like youre not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. Thanks very much!September 14, 2019cinderandkaiotpthanks, I didnt know that! You dont use the more respectful way if you are unsure?August 7, 2020adrramEl seor is only used in third person. They also mean different things in Spanish, but the difference iswell, different. Can anyone advise me what that means and what all the other unusual words like Combo bonus, Wildfire Achievement, Crowns, Lingots and dozens of others mean and what I am supposed to do with them? Or is there something Im missing in translation?August 30, 2021FiretailHorizonsI made a typo, I meant to say I thought ests translated to are you. When you meet for the first time an extended family member over the age of say 20, you need to ask permission to address them other than formal, and even with your parents you don't address them using their first name, but you use Mother (Mom) or Father (Dad) instead Learn French in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons. Connect with your classes and do assignments on the go. How are you?) See clip below We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Translation of Sir, are you using the telephone from English into Spanish performed by Yandex.Translate, a service providing automatic translations of words, phrases, whole texts and websites. A free app, designed to rival the quality of paid-for language software, the platform has built a loyal following of users since its launch in 2012. / telfono? for each gender. and minor accent differences. Keep trying learning Spanish.
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